Following an operation, in my sick-bed, I had the opportunity to read a lot. By chance I came across a book about apiary. It was a new world that I had a peek in. I simply fell for it. I started with one young colony of bees received from an elder bee-keeper as a present, and kept it in a hive made by hand. At present many queen-bees live on our bee-farm with their populous families. The world of bees, 'the wax-world' is a truly different world! It is worth taking a close look. I can assure you that my bees do not bite, but they may sting you.

Programmes we offer:

      - showing our apiary
      - tasting honey
      - consuming apiarian products

All visitors are welcomed in our apiary.

János Leipold

H-7347 Egyházaskozár, Rákóczi Str. 28/a.

Tel.:    (+36)72/459-120,   (+36)30/5511-253

Other facilities in the region:


Nándor Szuppáncsics

- village tourism
- horse riding, carriage-rides

Tel.:    (+36)30/2768076


Puchner Castle Hotel

Tel.:    (+36)72/459-546, -547, -548.